Leadership Development Program

The Leadership Development Program (LDP) is an initiative designed to identify and develop potential leaders for the Emerald Coast Association of REALTORS®.  The program is beneficial for REALTORS® who seek to enhance their leadership abilities and effectiveness within the context of REALTOR® associations as well as the community at large.

LDP fosters individual REALTORS® to be able to actively participate in affecting positive and collaborative relationships with local, state and national associations through committee involvement and attendance at state (Florida REALTORS®) and national (National Association of REALTORS®) meetings.  Graduates of ECAR’s LDP are better prepared, both personally and professionally, to be more effective leaders.

“I will guarantee that the program will make you more effective in your business, personal and spiritual life. You will make friends for life that you can call or ask anything you need information on.”

Bill Patterson
LDP Graduate

“I was almost FORCED to go to LDP by some Realtor friends… I went thinking that I could not gain anything from going… I was SO WRONG!  What an EYE-opening, CAREER-enhancing move.  I am so glad that my friends INSISTED that I give it a go!”   

Ben Acock
LDP Graduate